Shut up!
Shut up! | Gura! | ||||
Shut up! | Taci din gură! | ||||
Shut up! | Închide clonțul! | ||||
Shut up! | Lasă vorba ! | ||||
Shut up! | Tacă-ți fleanca! | ||||
Shut up! | Tăcă-ți gura! | ||||
Shut up! | Vorba! |
Termeni asemănători cu "Shut up!": sawed off, sedative, set off, set up, set-off, setoff, setup, shot up, shut off, shut up, site hop, sixty-five, sized up, skid top, soda pop, south of, southpaw, stab, staff, stave, steep, Stefa, Steffi, Steffie, Stefi, Stefy, step, Stepha, Stephi, Stephie, steppe, Steve, Stevie, Stevy, stiff, stoop, stop, stope, stove, stove pipe, stub, stubby, stuff, stuffy, stupe, suggestive, sweet pea, sweetie pie, to say goodbye, to set off, to set up, to shake a wicked hoof, to shoot up, to show the hoof, to shut off, to shut up, to sit up, to stab, to stave, to stave off, to steep, to step, to stiff, to stoop, to stop, to stop up, to stuff, to stupefy.
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