dictionar englez roman

shut off

shut offîntrerupt
shut offizolat
to shut offa întrerupeconjugări
to shut offa izolaconjugări
to shut offa se debarasa deargou în limba englezăconjugări
to shut offa învinge pe cinevaargou în limba englezăconjugări
to shut offa scăpa deargou în limba englezăconjugări
to shut off the enginea întrerupe contactulconjugări
to shut off the enginea opri motorulconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "shut off": sawed off, sedative, set off, set up, set-off, setoff, setup, shot up, shut up, site hop, sixty-five, sized up, skid top, soda pop, south of, southpaw, stab, staff, stave, steep, Stefa, Steffi, Steffie, Stefi, Stefy, step, Stepha, Stephi, Stephie, steppe, Steve, Stevie, Stevy, stiff, stoop, stop, stope, stove, stove pipe, stub, stubby, stuff, stuffy, stupe, suggestive, sweet pea, sweetie pie, to say goodbye, to set off, to set up, to shake a wicked hoof, to shoot up, to show the hoof, to shut up, to sit up, to stab, to stave, to stave off, to steep, to step, to stiff, to stoop, to stop, to stop up, to stuff, to stupefy.

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