dictionar englez roman

to recede

to recedea se retrageconjugări
to recedea scădeaconjugări
to recede into the backgrounda se retrage pe ultimul planconjugări
to recede into the backgrounda se da la o parteconjugări
to recede into the backgrounda dispăreaconjugări
to recede into the backgrounda-și pierde importanțaconjugări
to recede into the backgrounda se retrageconjugări
to recede into the backgrounda trece pe planul al doileaconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "to recede": target, Target A, TARIC code, Teresita, terorist, terrorized, the area checked, theorist, theorized, Theresita, thirst, thirsty, thrashed, thrashed out, threshed, throughout, thrust, Thursday, to the right, to thirst, to thrash out, to throw aside, to thrust, to thrust away, to thrust out, to trig it, to trig out, to trisect, to trust, to trust to, to try a shot, to tryst, tourist, traced, track suit, track width, tracked, tract, tractate, tragedy, trashed, tree height, tressed, tricked, tricot, Trieste, trigged, trigged out, trisected, Trishta, Trista, trussed, trust, trust deed, trusted, trustee, trusty, tryst, trysted, turgid, turgidity.

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