dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to swell.

to get the swelled heada-și da ifoseconjugări
to get the swelled heada face pe grozavulconjugări
to get the swelled heada și-o lua în capconjugări
to get the swelled heada se umfla în peneconjugări
to get the swelled heada i se urca la capconjugări
My heart swelled with pride.Mi s-a umplut inima de mândrie.
My heart swelled with pride.Mi-a crescut inima de mândrie.

Termeni asemănători cu "swelled": sackcloth, salad, sallied, salt, salted, salty, salute, saluted, scald, scalded, scaled, scold, scolded, scowled, sculled, sealed, secluded, sexuality, shallot, shelled, shield, shielded, should, silhouette, silly idea, siloed, silt, sizzled, skilled, skillet, Slade, slat, slate, slayed, sled, sleet, sleet hood, sleety, sleuth, sleuthed, slewed, slid, slide, slit, slot, sloth, slow-witted, slowed, slut, so called, so-called, socialite, soiled, sold, sold out, solid, solitude, sozzled, squalid, squalled, squealed, suckled, swallowed, swell head, swilled, to salt, to salt away, to salute, to salute the eye, to scald, to scold, to seclude, to sell out, to shell out, to shield, to silt, to sled, to sleuth, to slide, to slit.

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