dictionar englez roman


whys and whereforescauzele
whys and whereforesmotivele
whys and whereforespricinile
to go into the whys and wherefores of ita căuta să afle cauzeleconjugări
to go into the whys and wherefores of ita cerceta să afle cauzeleconjugări
to go into the whys and wherefores of ita vrea să știe de ce și pentru ceconjugări
the great whys of lifemarile întrebări ale vieții
the great whys of lifemarile probleme ale vieții
the whys and wherefores ofcauzelecu genitiv

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "whys": to wag, to wake, to wash, to wash away, to wax, to weigh, to whack, to wheeze, to whisk, to whiz, to whoosh, to wig, to wise, to wish, Wacey, Wacey's, wack, wacks, wacky, wag, wage, wages, waggish, wahoos, wake, Wake, Wake's, wash, Wash, wash away, Wash's, washes, washy, wax, waxes, waxy, Way's, ways, WC, weak, week, weeks, Wes, Wes's, whack, whacks, whacky, wheeze, wheezes, wheezy, Whey Cheese, which, which is, whisk, whiskey, whisks, whisky, whiz, whizes, whizz, whizzes, who is, whois, whose, wick, wicks, wig, wigs, wise, wise guy, wise guys, wises, wish, wishes, wishy washy, wishy-washy, Wojciech, Wojciech's, woozy, wows, wuss, wusses, wussies, wussy, wuzzies, wuzzy, Wye's, WYSIWYG, WYSIWYGs.

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