dictionar englez roman

to run out

to run outa lua parte la o alergareconjugări
to run out of gasa pierde interesulargou în limba englezăconjugări
to run out of gasa pierde ocaziaargou în limba englezăconjugări
to run out of steama-și pierde curajulconjugări
to run out of steama-și pierde energiaconjugări
to run out of steama-și pierde putereaconjugări
to run out ona lăsa mască pecinevaconjugări
to run out ona părăsi pecinevaconjugări
We are going to run out of gas.Ni se va termina benzina în curând.

Termeni asemănători cu "to run out": Tarrant, Terente, terminated, termite, The Trinity, the where and how, the year around, the year round, three-roomed, threnody, thrummed, to terminate, to throw in with, to throw mud at, to torment, to train with, to trim meat, to turn into, to turn out, to turn the die, to turn the hay, to turn the tide, to turn to, to turn white, torment, tormented, tornado, torrent, tournament, trained, trend, Trenda, Trent, trimmed, Trinity, truant, turn out, turned, turned away, turned out, tyrant.

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