dictionar englez roman

to turn white

to turn whitea se albi la fațăconjugări
to turn whitea păliconjugări
to turn white into blacka denatura adevărulconjugări
to turn white into blacka face din alb negruconjugări
to turn white into blacka răstălmăci cuvinteleconjugări
to turn white into blacka răstălmăci vorbeleconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "to turn white": Tarrant, Terente, terminated, termite, The Trinity, the where and how, the year around, the year round, three-roomed, threnody, thrummed, to terminate, to throw in with, to throw mud at, to torment, to train with, to trim meat, to turn into, to turn out, to turn the die, to turn the hay, to turn the tide, to turn to, torment, tormented, tornado, torrent, tournament, trained, trend, Trenda, Trent, trimmed, Trinity, truant, turn out, turned, turned away, turned out, tyrant.

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