dictionar englez roman

to heal

to heala cicatrizaconjugări
to heala se refaceconjugări
to heala vindecaconjugări
to heala se vindecaconjugări
to heala se împăcaconjugări
to bring somebody back to healtha îi reda cuiva sănătateaconjugări
unbeneficial to healthdăunător sănătății

Termeni asemănători cu "to heal": tail, tale, Talia, tall, tall oil, Tallia, Tallie, tallow, tallowy, tally, Tally, Talya, Talyah, tattle, teel, teetotal, teil, Tella, telly, Thalia, the while, tiddly, tile, tilia, till, Tillie, Tilly, title, tittle, to a tittle, to tail, to tallow, to tally, to tattle, to tell, to tell a lie, to till, to title, to toddle, to toil, to toll, to tool, to tootle, to total, to twiddle, toad lily, toddle, toil, toll, Toodle oo, tool, tootle, total, total whey, totally, towel, Tull, Tulley, Tully, twaddle, twiddle, Twila, twill, Twyla.

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