dictionar englez roman

the while

the whileîn acest răstimp
the whileîntr-acestea
the whileîntre timp
Woe worth the while!Blestemat fie ceasul acela!
Woe worth the while!Blestemat fie ceasul!
Woe worth the while!Blestemată fie ziua!
Woe worth the while!Blestemată să fie ziua!

Termeni asemănători cu "the while": tail, tale, Talia, tall, tall oil, Tallia, Tallie, tallow, tallowy, tally, Tally, Talya, Talyah, tattle, teel, teetotal, teil, Tella, telly, Thalia, tiddly, tile, tilia, till, Tillie, Tilly, title, tittle, to a tittle, to tail, to tallow, to tally, to tattle, to tell, to tell a lie, to till, to title, to toddle, to toil, to toll, to tool, to tootle, to total, to twiddle, toad lily, toddle, toil, toll, Toodle oo, tool, tootle, total, total whey, totally, towel, Tull, Tulley, Tully, twaddle, twiddle, Twila, twill, Twyla.

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