dictionar englez roman


to subsista dăinuiconjugări
to subsista duraconjugări
still subsisting injuriesprejudicii efective și actuale
still subsisting injuryprejudiciu efectiv și actual
travel and subsistence costscosturi de deplasare și ședere
travel and subsistence expensescheltuieli de deplasare și de ședere

Termeni asemănători cu "subsist": safe code, scape goat, scapegoat, spaced out, spaghetti, specked, spifficated, spigot, spooked, subject, subject to, subjugated, subsided, subsidy, subsisted, subsite, substitute, substituted, sufficed, suffocated, suffused, supposed, suspect, suspected, the savviest, the shabbiest, the soapiest, the soupiest, the spiciest, the spiffiest, the spikiest, the swavest, to show fight, to speak out, to subject, to subjugate, to subside, to substitute, to suffocate, to suspect.

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