dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to suppose.

Am I supposed to read the whole book?Trebuie să citesc toată cartea?
to be supposed toa se presupune căconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "supposed": safe code, scape goat, scapegoat, spaced out, spaghetti, specked, spifficated, spigot, spooked, subject, subject to, subjugated, subsided, subsidy, subsisted, subsite, substitute, substituted, sufficed, suffocated, suffused, suspect, suspected, the savviest, the shabbiest, the soapiest, the soupiest, the spiciest, the spiffiest, the spikiest, the swavest, to show fight, to speak out, to subject, to subjugate, to subside, to subsist, to substitute, to suffocate, to suspect.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

Try not to have a good time...this is supposed to be educational.
(Charles M. Schulz)
Încercați să nu vă simțiți bine... ar trebui să fie educativ.
(Charles M. Schulz)
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