dictionar englez roman


to botcha cârpăciconjugări
to botcha lucra de mântuialăconjugări
to botcha lucra prostconjugări
to botch it upa face treabă de cârpaciconjugări
to botch it upa face varzăconjugări
botchedlucrat prost
botcherylucru de mântuială

Termeni asemănători cu "botch": babbitts, Babette's, Babita's, Baby of the House, babyhoods, bad egg, bad eggs, bad hats, badge, batch, batches, bathos, baths, bats, bawdies, beads, beataxe, beataxes, beats, beauteous, beds, beets, Beth's, Betsey, Betsey's, Betsy, Betsy's, Betta's, Bette's, Betti's, Bettie's, Betty's, Bettye's, biatch, biatches, Biddy's, bidets, bids, bifidus, bitch, bitches, bitchy, bits, boathouse, boathouses, Bobbette's, Bobette's, bodice, bodices, booby hatch, booby hatches, bootees, booties, boots, botches, boutique, boutiques, Bowdie's, bowties, Boyd's, boyhoods, Bud's, buddies, Buddy's, budge, Butch, butch, Butch's, buttes, buttocks, butts, by the touch, by this, bypaths, to baptise, to baptize, to be a dead duck, to be at issue, to be at odds, to be at sea, to be dead easy, to be with the show, to beat goose, to beat out to sea, to beat the Dutch, to bedeck, to bet a cookie, to betake, to bewitch, to bitch, to budge.

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