dictionar englez roman


to draw the badgera face pe cineva să-și dea cărțile pe fațăfamiliar în limba engleză; figurat în limba românăconjugări
the badger gamecompromiterea unui bărbat cu ajutorul unei femeiargou
the badger gameșantaj după punerea în scenă a unei compromiteriargou
The badger ventures abroad at dusk.Bursucul iese din vizuină pe înserat.

Termeni asemănători cu "badge": babbitts, Babette's, Babita's, Baby of the House, babyhoods, bad egg, bad eggs, bad hats, batch, batches, bathos, baths, bats, bawdies, beads, beataxe, beataxes, beats, beauteous, beds, beets, Beth's, Betsey, Betsey's, Betsy, Betsy's, Betta's, Bette's, Betti's, Bettie's, Betty's, Bettye's, biatch, biatches, Biddy's, bidets, bids, bifidus, bitch, bitches, bitchy, bits, boathouse, boathouses, Bobbette's, Bobette's, bodice, bodices, booby hatch, booby hatches, bootees, booties, boots, botch, botches, boutique, boutiques, Bowdie's, bowties, Boyd's, boyhoods, Bud's, buddies, Buddy's, budge, Butch, butch, Butch's, buttes, buttocks, butts, by the touch, by this, bypaths, to baptise, to baptize, to be a dead duck, to be at issue, to be at odds, to be at sea, to be dead easy, to be with the show, to beat goose, to beat out to sea, to beat the Dutch, to bedeck, to bet a cookie, to betake, to bewitch, to bitch, to botch, to budge.

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