dictionar englez roman


totallycu totul
totally dehydrated milklapte complet deshidratat
It's totally wrong!Este total greșit.
Life without love is just totally pointless.Viață fără iubire nu are sens.

Este posibil să fie o formă declinată/conjugată/derivată, vezi și rădăcina.

Termeni asemănători cu "Totally": tail, tale, Talia, tall, tall oil, Tallia, Tallie, tallow, tallowy, tally, Tally, Talya, Talyah, tattle, teel, teetotal, teil, Tella, telly, Thalia, the while, tiddly, tile, tilia, till, Tillie, Tilly, title, tittle, to a tittle, to tail, to tallow, to tally, to tattle, to tell, to tell a lie, to till, to title, to toddle, to toil, to toll, to tool, to tootle, to total, to twiddle, toad lily, toddle, toil, toll, Toodle oo, tool, tootle, total, total whey, towel, Tull, Tulley, Tully, twaddle, twiddle, Twila, twill, Twyla.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

It hasn't been a totally smooth road, but in the whole span of things I feel like a very lucky person.
(Edward Furlong)
Nu a fost în totalitate un traseu neted, însă după toate schimbările de situație mă simt o persoană foarte norocoasă.
(Edward Furlong)
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