dictionar englez roman


to accede to the thronea urca pe tronconjugări
to accede to the thronea se urca pe tronconjugări
to enthronea înscăunaconjugări
the king had abdicated his throne in favour of his sonregele abdicase de la tron în favoarea fiului său

Termeni asemănători cu "Throne": Taron, Taryn, taurine, tearoom, Teriann, Terin, Terina, term, terrain, Terrianne, Tharen, theorem, therein, Therine, thorn, Thorn, Thornie, Thorny, thorny, threonine, throw money, thrown, thrown away, Tierney, to throw in, to throw on, to thrum, to tourney, to train, to trim, to try on, to turn, to turn away, to turn in, to turn on, Torin, torn, torn away, Torrin, tourney, Traian, train, trainee, tram, trauma, Tremain, Tremaine, Tremayne, Trenna, trim, Trina, trom, Truman, Tudorina, tureen, Turin, turn, turn on, turn-on, turnon, turnona, tyranny, Tyreen, Tyrone.

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