dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to subject.

to be subjected to a customs checka fi supus controlului vamalconjugări
The sample is subjected to extraction with chloroform.Proba este supusă extracției cu cloroform.
The solution obtained is subjected to alkaline oxidation.Soluția obținută este supusă oxidării alcaline.
the tank must be subjected to the following testsrezervorul trebuie supus următoarelor încercări

Termeni asemănători cu "Subjected": safe code, scape goat, scapegoat, spaced out, spaghetti, specked, spifficated, spigot, spooked, subject, subject to, subjugated, subsided, subsidy, subsisted, subsite, substitute, substituted, sufficed, suffocated, suffused, supposed, suspect, suspected, the savviest, the shabbiest, the soapiest, the soupiest, the spiciest, the spiffiest, the spikiest, the swavest, to show fight, to speak out, to subject, to subjugate, to subside, to subsist, to substitute, to suffocate, to suspect.

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