dictionar englez roman


dittanyfloarea foculuiDictamnus albus; botanică
dittanyfrăsinelDictamnus albus; botanică

Termeni asemănători cu "Ditta": D, d-d, D-day, dad, daddy, data, date, dated, Datha, day, day out, Dea, dead, dead heat, dead to the wide, deadhead, deadwood, death, death duty, Dede, Dedie, Dee, Dee Dee, deed, deeded, Deedee, deity, dew, Dew, dewed, Dewey, Dewitt, dewy, dhotee, dhow, Di, did, Didi, Dido, die, diet, Dita, ditto, ditty, Dode, Dodi, Dodie, Dody, doe, Doe, dot, Dot, doted, Doti, dotted, Dotti, Dottie, Dotty, dotty, dowdy, dud, dude, duded, due, due to, duet, duo, duty, DY, dyad, dye, dyed, to date, to deed, to dew, to die, to die out, to die the death, to diet, to do, to do away with, to do duty, to do with, to do without, to dote, to dude, to dye.

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