dictionar englez roman

due to

due todatorită
to be due toa se datoraconjugări
The first place is due to him.Primul loc i se cuvine lui.
This invention is due to him.Lui i se datorează această inveție.
total amount due to the growersuma totală datorată cultivatorului
variation due to temperaturevariația datorată temperaturii

Termeni asemănători cu "due to": D, d-d, D-day, dad, daddy, data, date, dated, Datha, day, day out, Dea, dead, dead heat, dead to the wide, deadhead, deadwood, death, death duty, Dede, Dedie, Dee, Dee Dee, deed, deeded, Deedee, deity, dew, Dew, dewed, Dewey, Dewitt, dewy, dhotee, dhow, Di, did, Didi, Dido, die, diet, Dita, ditto, ditty, Dode, Dodi, Dodie, Dody, doe, Doe, dot, Dot, doted, Doti, dotted, Dotti, Dottie, Dotty, dotty, dowdy, dud, dude, duded, due, duet, duo, duty, DY, dyad, dye, dyed, to date, to deed, to dew, to die, to die out, to die the death, to diet, to do, to do away with, to do duty, to do with, to do without, to dote, to dude, to dye.

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