dictionar englez roman


total number of bovines which have been inspectednumărul total de bovine controlate
Tuberculosis-free bovine animals and herdsBovine și șeptel de bovine indemne de tubercul
type T3 bovine herdsefective de bovine de tip T3
unclaimed bovine animalsbovine care nu fac obiectul cererilor de ajutor
young bovines animalsbovine tinere

Termeni asemănători cu "Bovi": B, B/E, ba, baa, Bab, baba, babe, baboo, baby, baby beef, baobab, bay, Bay, Bea, beau, Beau, Bebe, bebob, bebop, bee, Bee, beef, beefy, beehive, beep, Bev, Bevvy, bevy, bi, Bia, bib, biff, Biff, Bo, boa, bob, Bob, Bobbi, Bobbie, Bobby, Bobo, boffo, boob, booby, bow, bow wow, boy, Bubba, Bubu, buff, Buffy, buoy, buy, by, by way, by way of, BYO, BYOB, to baa, to baby, to bay, to be, to be happy, to be off, to beep, to behave, to behoove, to behove, to bib, to biff, to bob, to boo, to bow, to buff, to buoy, to buy, to buy up.

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