baby beef
baby beef | vițel tânăr | între 12 și 20 de luni | |||
baby beef | carne de vițel tânăr |
Termeni asemănători cu "baby beef": B, B/E, ba, baa, Bab, baba, babe, baboo, baby, baobab, bay, Bay, Bea, beau, Beau, Bebe, bebob, bebop, bee, Bee, beef, beefy, beehive, beep, Bev, Bevvy, bevy, bi, Bia, bib, biff, Biff, Bo, boa, bob, Bob, Bobbi, Bobbie, Bobby, Bobo, boffo, boob, booby, bow, bow wow, boy, Bubba, Bubu, buff, Buffy, buoy, buy, by, by way, by way of, BYO, BYOB, to baa, to baby, to bay, to be, to be happy, to be off, to beep, to behave, to behoove, to behove, to bib, to biff, to bob, to boo, to bow, to buff, to buoy, to buy, to buy up.
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