dictionar roman englez


tablou picture
tablou tableau
tablou array
tablou scene
tablou de bord dashboard
tablou de comandă keyboard
tablou de comandă switchboard
tablou de pe perete picture on the wall
tablou pe perete picture on the wall
tablou sinoptic synopsis
Tabloul acesta are ceva romantic în el. There is a romantic dash in this painting.
Tabloul era pur și simplu o capodoperă. The picture was no less than a masterpiece.
tablouri hangings
tablouri keyboards
tablouri arrays
tablouri scenes
tablouri de pe perete pictures on the wall
tablouri pe perete pictures on the wall
tablouri sinoptice synopses
Ce tablou ai ales? Which of the paintings is your pick?

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Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed