dictionar roman englez


Emera Emeranume feminin
cea mai temera the most temerarious
cei mai temerari the most temerarious
cel mai temerar the most temerarious
cele mai temerare the most temerarious
efemeră fugacious
efemeră deciduous
lui Emera Emera'snume feminin
mai temerar more temerarious
mai temera more temerarious
mai temerare more temerarious
mai temerari more temerarious
strălucire efemeră flash in the pan
temerar temerarious
temerar foolhardy
temerar hardy
temerar temerariously
temera temerarious
temerare temerarious
temerari temerarious

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Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed