dictionar roman englez


Debor Debornume feminin
Debora Deboranume feminin
Deborah Deborahnume feminin
debordant ebullientfigurat
debordantă ebullientfigurat
debordante ebullientfigurat
debordanți ebullientfigurat
a fi de un entuziasm debordant to bubble over with enthusiasmconjugări
a fi de un entuziasm debordant to bubble over with high spiritsconjugări
Inima mea deborda de bucurie. My heart was filled with happiness.
lui Debor Debor'snume feminin
lui Debora Debora'snume feminin
lui Deborah Deborah'snume feminin
Couldn't select: Table './roen_dictionar/citat_cache_roen' is marked as crashed and last (automatic?) repair failed