dictionar englez roman


wheelhousecabina timonei
wheelhouse controlcomanda de la timonerie
wheelhouse control of propulsion machinerycomanda din timonerie a instalației de propulsare

Termeni asemănători cu "wheelhouse": to walk, to welk, to welsh, wails, Wales, walk, walkway, walkways, Wallace, Wallace's, Wallache, Wallache's, Wallas, Wallas's, Wallie's, wallies, Wallis, Wallis's, walls, Wally's, Walsh, Walsh's, Waly's, Welch, Welch's, wells, Wells, Wells's, Welsh, Welsh's, Welshes, whales, wheelhouses, wheels, whelk, whelks, whole cheese, whole eggs, whole hog, Wilek, Wilek's, Wiley's, Wilie's, Will's, Willa's, Willey's, Willi's, Willie's, Willis, Willis's, Willow's, wills, Willy's, Wilow's, wollies, woolies, Wylie's.

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