dictionar englez roman

to tend to do

to tend to doa fi susceptibil de a facecevaconjugări
to tend to doa fi înclinat spreo acțiuneconjugări

Termeni asemănători cu "to tend to do": 1 Timothy, 2 Timothy, T.N.T., taint, tainted, tamed, Tandi, Tandie, Tandy, Tanith, tanned, taunt, taunted, tautened, tea hound, teamed, Tedmund, tenant, tended, tenement, tenet, tent, tenth, the aid amount, the hidden hand, the media, the minute, the minute that, the mitt, the moment, the moment that, the Monument, the tenth, the twentieth, the when and how, the woman in white, thinned, thinned out, time out, timeout, timid, timidity, Timothea, Timothee, timothy, Timothy, tin hat, tinned, tint, tinted, tiny tot, to a moment, to hand, to my mind, to no end, to taint, to taunt, to tenant, to tend, to tend to, to that end, to the end that, to the minute, to thin out, to tie into, to time it out, to tint, to toy with an idea, to tune out, Toinette, tom-tit, tomato, tomtit, Tonda, toned, tumid, tuned, twentieth, twenty, twenty-two, twined, twinned, two-ended, two-handed, two-timed, Tymothy.

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