dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to teach.

teaching allowanceindemnizație de predare
to go in for teachinga fi profesorconjugări
to go in for teachinga predaconjugări
schoolteachingpredare în învățământul primar

Termeni asemănători cu "teaching": Tagen's, taking, Tatjana's, tea essences, Teagen's, teasing, technique, techniques, the common aims, the same as you, thickening, thickness, this much, thus much, ticking, to take a chance, to take a hinge, to take a knock, to take amiss, to take chances, to take one's choice, to take one's ease, to take one's way, to take one's whack, to take wing, to take wings, to tick one's I's, to toss one's cookies, tocsins, tokens, touchiness, touching, toughness, Tuscon's, tweaking, tweakings, twice as much, Tyson's.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

A liberal education is at the heart of a civil society, and at the heart of a liberal education is the act of teaching.
(A. Bartlett Giamatti)
O educație liberală este inima unei societăți civile și inima unei educații liberale este procesul învățării.
(A. Bartlett Giamatti)
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