dictionar englez roman

on that head

on that headasupra acestei chestiuni
on that headasupra acestui capitol
on that headasupra acestui punct
on that headîn această chestiune
on that headîn această privință
on that headîn privința acestei chestiuni
on that headîn privința acestui capitol
on that headîn privința acestui punct

Termeni asemănători cu "on that head": omitted, on a diet, on a toot, on a wind, on duty, on end, on hand, on it, on Monday, on my oath, on oath, on the day, on the dead, on the dot, on the way, on the way out, on the way to, on to, on-hand, one day, one handed, Oneida, Onida, onto, owned, to omit, to omit to do.

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