dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to hawk.

to blow tomahawksa bate cu furieconjugări
to blow tomahawksa fi foarte pătrunzătorconjugări
to blow tomahawksa sufla cu furieconjugări
to blow tomahawksa le tăiaconjugări
news hawksreporteriargou în limba engleză
news hawksziariștiargou în limba engleză
sparrow hawkserețiAccipiter nisus; zoologie
tomahawkssecuri ale pieilor roșii

Termeni asemănători cu "hawks": hack, hacks, hacksaw, hag, Haggai, hags, haiku, haikus, hake, has, hash, hasheesh, hashes, hassock, Hausa, hawk, hawkish, haws, haycock, haycocks, Hayes, Hayes's, Haz, Haz's, haze, hazy, he's, hee-haws, Hew's, Hewe's, Hewey's, Hewie's, hex, hexes, Hezekiah, Hezekiah's, Hiay's, hiccough, hick, high, high seas, highs, highway, highways, hijack, hijacks, hike, his, hiss, hoax, hock, hockey, Hoey's, hog, hoggish, hook, hose, Hosea, hough, house, houses, Howie's, Huey's, hug, huge, Hugh, Hugh's, Hugo, Hugo's, hugs, huies, huis, hush, hush hush, husk, husky, hussy, Hy's, to hack, to hash, to hawk, to haze, to hex, to hiccough, to hijack, to hike, to hiss, to hoax, to hog, to hoise, to hook, to house, to hug, to hush, to husk.

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