dictionar englez roman


to be poles asundera fi diametral opusconjugări
to be poles asundera se situa la extremeconjugări
to strike asundera despărțiconjugări
to strike asundera despicaconjugări
to strike asundera dezbinaconjugări
wide as the poles asunderdeparte ca cerul de pământ

Termeni asemănători cu "asund": a kick in the teeth, accent, accented, accentuated, access account, access method, accommodated, account, accounted, aconite, acquainted, agenda, agent, Agneta, as quick as wind, ascended, ascent, ashamed, assent, assented, assessment, assigned, assignment, assumed, augmented, awakened, to accent, to accentuate, to accommodate, to account, to account to, to acquaint, to ascend, to assent, to augment.

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