dictionar englez roman


valley bottomfund de vale
valley of the shadow of deathapropierea morții
valley of the shadow of deathumbra morții
lily-of-the-valleylăcrămioarăConvallaria majalis; botanică
lily-of-the-valleymărgăritărelConvallaria majalis; botanică
The river races down the valley.Râul spumega la vale.
unrivalledfără rival

Termeni asemănători cu "Valle": to value, V-ball, Vail, Val, vale, Vale, Vali, valley, Valli, Vallie, Vally, value, Valy, veal, veil, viable, vial, vile, villa, viola, Viola, Viole, vole, volley, vowel.

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