dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to fall.

footfallszgomot de pași
The curtain falls.Cade cortina.
The responsability falls upon him.Lui îi incubă să facă acest lucru.
The responsability falls upon him.Lui îi revine această sarcină.
the tide fallsmarea e în refluxmarină
the tide fallsmarea se retragemarină
Value added falls correspondingly.Valoarea adăugată scade în mod corespunzător.
verifies the conditions under which payment falls dueverifică condițiile de exigibilitate ale creanței

Termeni asemănători cu "Falls": fabulous, fails, fall guy, fallacious, fallacy, fallows, false, false key, false keys, Felecia, Felecia's, Felice, Felice's, Felicia, Felicia's, Felicio, Felicio's, Felisha, Felisha's, Felix, Felix's, Feliza, Feliza's, fellows, files, Filia's, fillies, flack, flacks, flag, flags, flak, flake, flaky, flash, flashy, flask, flasks, flawless, flaws, flax, fleck, fleece, fleeces, fleecy, flesh, fleshes, fleshy, flex, flexes, flick, flicks, Flo's, flock, flocks, floes, floosie, floosies, floosy, floozie, floozies, floozy, floss, Flossi, Flossi's, Flossie, Flossie's, Flossy, Flossy's, flows, flues, fluke, flush, flushes, flux, fluxes, foals, foibles, foils, foliage, folk, folks, foolish, full age, to fall sick, to feel like, to feel shaky, to feel sick, to filch, to flack, to flag, to flake, to flash, to fleck, to fleece, to flesh, to flex, to flick, to flock, to flog, to flush, to flux, to fly high.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

Children are like wet cement. Whatever falls on them makes an impression.
(Haim Ginott)
Copiii sunt precum cimentul umed. Orice cade peste ei lasă o urmă.
(Haim Ginott)
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