dictionar englez roman


Faith'slui Faithnume feminin

Termeni asemănători cu "Faith'": fad, fade, fade out, fade out, to white, faded, faded away, faith, Faith, fat, fate, fated, fathead, fatty, fatuity, Fayette, Fayth, Faythe, feat, fed, feed, feet, Feta, feta, fete, fetid, feud, fiat, fibbed, fifth, fiftieth, fifty, fifty-two, fit, fitted, fitted out, fobbed, food, foodie, foot, footed, fopped, fyt, fytte, the fifth, the fiftieth, to fade, to fade away, to fade out, to feed, to fit, to fit out, to foot, to foot it.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

Seeds of faith are always within us; sometimes it takes a crisis to nourish and encourage their growth.
(Susan Taylor)
Sămânța credinței este mereu în noi; uneori e nevoie de o criză pentru a o hrăni și a o face să dea rod.
(Susan Taylor)
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