dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to choose.

many are called, but few chosenmulți chemați, dar puțini aleși
the award procedure chosenmodul de atribuire ales
the chosen standards = standardul ales
the method of payment chosenmodul de plată ales
The rate of interest used shall be chosen prudently.Rata dobânzii utilizată se alege cu prudență.
the therapeutic or preventive treatment chosentratamentul terapeutic sau preventiv ales

Termeni asemănători cu "Chosen": caam, caama, Cain, cam, Cam, came, cameo, Cami, Cammi, Cammie, Cammy, Camon, can, Canaan, cane, canine, canna, cannon, canny, canoe, canon, canyon, casein, Casiana, casino, Cason, cayenne, cession, Chaim, chain, Chan, Chane, Chaney, Channa, chasm, Chayan, Chazney, check in, check-in, checksum, Chen, Chenney, Cheyenne, chicken, chime, chimney, chin, china, China, chum, Chyann, Chyna, Chynna, cinema, cinnamon, Cinnamon, co-sign, cocaine, cockney, cocoon, cocoyam, cohesion, coin, coma, come, comma, common, common name, commune, communion, Con, Conan, cone, Conney, Conni, Connie, Conny, Conway, coon, cosine, Cosmin, Cosmina, Cosmo, cousin, coxmain, cuisine, cum, cumin, cushion, cyan, to cane, to cannon, to canoe, to cash in, to cash in on, to chain, to check in, to chime, to chime in, to choke in, to chum, to cock a gun, to cocoon, to coin, to come, to come away, to come home, to come in, to commune, to cushion.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

I had chosen to use my work as a reflection of my values.
(Sidney Poitier)
Am ales să-mi folosesc munca ca o reflectare a valorilor mele.
(Sidney Poitier)
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