dictionar englez roman


Este o conjugare a verbului to chill.

chilled to the marrowînghețat până la oase
he was chilled to the boneîi intrase frigul în oase
he was chilled to the boneera rebegit de frig
he was chilled to the boneîl pătrunsese frigul până la oase
more chilled to the marrowmai înghețat până la oase
the most chilled to the marrowcel mai înghețat până la oase

Termeni asemănători cu "Chilled": cajoled, Calida, called, called out, Callida, caseload, casualty, causality, cellulite, chalet, child, childhood, chiseled, chiselled, Chloette, chocolate, chuckled, clad, Claude, Claudetta, Claudette, Claudia, Claudie, Claudio, Claudiu, clawed, Cleta, clod, clot, cloth, clothed, clotted, cloud, clouded, cloudy, clout, cloyed, Clyde, coagulated, coiled, cold, Coletta, Colette, collated, Collete, Collette, collided, collied, colt, cooled, culled, cult, to call a halt, to call a halt to, to call out, to chill out, to clot, to clothe, to cloud, to coagulate, to collate, to collide, to collude.

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