dictionar englez roman


leachatesproduse de percolație

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Termeni asemănători cu "Hates": haddock, hades, hatch, hatches, hatchway, hatchways, Hatti's, Hattie's, Hatty's, Haywood's, headache, headaches, headcheese, headcheeses, heads, Heath's, Heda's, Hedda's, Heddi's, Heddie's, hedge, hedgehog, Hedi's, Hedwig, Hedwig's, Hedy's, Heida's, Heidi's, Heidie's, Hetti's, Hettie's, Hetty's, Hewet's, Hewett's, Hewitt's, heydays, Heywood's, hi tech, hiatus, hiatuses, hideous, hides, hitch, hits, Hodge, Hodge's, hoodoos, hoods, hot dog, hot dogs, hot key, hot keys, hotheads, hothouse, Hottie's, Hoyt's, hutch, hutches, Hyatt's, to hatch, to hedge, to hit the deck, to hit the sack, to hitch, to hitchhike, to hot-desk.

Citat exemplificator în engleză-română

The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress.
(Charles F. Kettering)
Lumea urăște schimbarea și totuși e singurul lucru care marchează progresul.
(Charles F. Kettering)
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