Citate exemplificatoare
- Happiness hates the timid So does science (Fericirea îi urăște pe cei timizi. La fel și știința.) - Eugene O'Neill
- The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress. (Lumea urăște schimbarea și totuși e singurul lucru care marchează progresul.) - Charles F. Kettering
- The whole world hates us, and we deserve it: that is what most Europeans think, at least in Western Europe. (Întreaga lume ne urăște, iar noi merităm acest lucru: iată convingerea majorității europenilor, cel puțin în Vest.) - Pascal Bruckner
Exemple de fraze cu Hates
- It seems she hates you.
- They say that he hates to study.
- He hates Nancy.
- He hates falsehood more than anything else.
- He is so impolite that everyone hates him.
- He does so not because he hates you, but because he loves you.
- She hates running.
- She hates carrots.
- How come he hates Molly?
- She hates green peppers.
- He hates cleaning his room.
- He hates air travel.
- She hates fish and never eats any.
- He hates being told to hurry up.
- She hates speaking in public.
- I said 'Quit it'. Can't you see Keiko hates that?
- John hates me and it shows.
- My wife really hates cats.
- My mother hates writing letters.
- She grew up near the sea, yet she hates swimming.
- She sent me a postcard that said she hates the smell of animals.
- He loves his daughter his wife hates her.
- He loves cars, while his brother hates them.
- He hates wearing a tie during the summer heat.
- My father hates my reading a newspaper at breakfast.
- Bill hates his father to smoking heavily.
- Bill hates that his father smokes heavily.
- Our teacher hates his students to ask questions while he is giving a lecture.
- Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that his deeds will be exposed.
Exemple din articole cu Hates
- Kathleen Parker Hates a Lot More than Eliot Spitzer's Black Socks.
- Hot hollywood celebrity MEGAN FOX hates with women.
- Clearly, Mary Jo Kilroy hates being a Congresswoman.
- Internet hates Beaker.
- Just because he hates feminism and festoons his virtual office with photographs of naked women doesn't mean he makes female students uncomfortable.
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