Fraze exemplificatoare cu voice
- A voice within me said. (Un glas launtric mi-a spus.)
- My voice shook. (Îmi tremura vocea.)
- The voice of one man is the voice of no one. (Un singur glas nu este ascultat.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice-that is, until we have stopped saying 'It got lost,' and say, 'I lost it.' (Nu vom fi pășit peste acea graniță fină dintre copilărie și viața de adult, până nu vom fi trecut de la diateza pasivă, la diateza activă- adică, până atunci când vom fi încetat a mai spune "Am fost pierdut" și vom spune "Am pierdut".) - Sydey Harris
- A loud voice cannot compete with a clear voice, even if it's a whisper. (O voce stridentă nu poate concura cu o voce clară, chiar dacă vorbește în șoaptă.) - Barry Neil Kaufman
- Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking. (Conștiința este vocea interioară care ne avertizează că cineva se uită.) - H.L. Mencken
- Sometimes I lie awake at night, and I ask, "Where have I gone wrong?" Then a voice says to me, "This is going to take more than one night." (Câteodată stau treaz în timpul nopții și mă întreb, "Unde am greșit?" Apoi o voce îmi spune, "O să ne ia mai mult de o noapte.") - Charles M. Schulz
- One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time. (O scurtă privire într-o carte, și auzi vocea unei alte persoane, poate cineva mort de 1000 de ani. Să citești înseamnă să călătorești în timp.) - Carl Sagan
- The Soul is the voice of the body's interests. (Sufletul este vocea intereselor trupului.) - George Santayana
- Three things you can be judged by your voice, your face, and your disposition. (Există trei lucruri după care poți fi judecat: vocea, fața și caracterul.) - Ignas Bernstein
- One of the many ways of managing peers is to knock them down so heavily, whenever we find them on their wrong foot, that they loose the courage of raising their voice when we are wrong. (Una din metodele de a-i ține sub control pe semeni, este să îi dobori atât de puternic, ori de câte ori îi prindem pe picior greșit, încât să își piardă curajul să mai ridice vocile atunci când noi greșim.) - B.J. Gupta
- Through pride we are ever deceiving ourselves. But deep down below the surface of the average conscience a still, small voice says to us, "Something is out of tune". (Mândria ne face să ne amăgim întotdeauna. Dar adânc înăuntrul nostru, dincolo de suprafața conștiinței obișnuite, o voce mică și liniștită ne spune "Ceva e în neregulă".) - Carl Gustav Jung
- Music is the harmonious voice of creation an echo of the invisible world. (Muzica este vocea armonioasă a creației, un ecou al lumii invizibile.) - Giuseppe Mazzini
Alte exemple de fraze cu voice
- The voice of the people is the voice of God.
- His voice carries very well.
- My voice was ignored in the discussion.
- He has a loud voice.
- She has a beautiful voice.
- She has an agreeable voice.
- I recognized your voice right away.
- Her voice was sour.
- She raised her voice.
- She lowered her voice.
- He has a deep voice.
- She twists around at a voice behind.
- Her voice carries very well.
- Her voice carries well.
- I like the singer's voice, too.
- There was a tremble in her voice.
- I would like to hear your voice, too.
- We were fascinated by her voice.
- I can still hear your voice.
- Raise your voice.
- My voice has gone because of my cold.
- He dropped his voice.
- They cried out with one voice.
- He has a sweet voice.
- At the top of one's voice.
- Your voice carries well.
- She said in a gentle voice.
- I recognized Jane at once by her voice.
- Don't raise your voice at me.
- His voice is as thin even though he is fat.
- There was a trace of anger in her voice.
- Please speak in a loud voice.
- His voice was heard above the din.
- Tone of voice can indicate feelings.
- Tadashi has a soft voice.
- Her voice could hardly be heard above over the noise.
- The girl has a pure voice.
- Please speak in a low voice.
- Her voice could hardly be heard above the noise.
- Her voice doesn't carry.
- I was fascinated by her sweet voice.
- He sang with his voice strained.
- Her voice still rings in my ears.
- His voice quavered with anger.
- He cried in an angry voice.
- His voice reached our ears.
- Her voice was heard above the noise.
- His voice doesn't go with his appearance.
- His voice was drowned by the yells.
- There was a suggestion of anger in his voice.
- He cried out for help in a loud voice.
- Her voice sounds very beautiful.
- He had an unpleasant screechy voice.
- Hearing his voice, I turned around.
- His voice dropped to a whisper.
- He said the words in a very small voice.
- He shouted at the top of his voice.
- The voice on the phone was unfamiliar to me.
- He let go of her hands and his voice grew serious.
- Her voice trembled with rage.
- Her voice was quivering with anger.
- She shouted at the top of her voice.
- Kelly's voice carries well.
- I've had a nasal voice for two weeks.
- She spoke with her voice trembling.
- Her voice was shaking with anger.
- She turned around when she heard his voice.
- Too much smoking tends to injure the voice.
- My voice is hoarse from a cold.
- The singer has a beautiful voice.
- There was a voice crying in the field.
- The voice reminded me of my mother.
- She sang with a beautiful voice.
- The room echoes with his voice.
- Betty has a sweet voice.
- It is in order to hear your voice well.
- Tony's voice is nice.
- Kate's voice is clearly different from the other girls'.
- She has a soft and clear voice.
- Tony has a nice voice.
- I will send you a tape of my voice.
- Her voice is pleasant to listen to.
- Her voice was soft and beautiful.
- She always speaks in a low voice.
- The trouble is, she's almost lost her voice.
- She spoke with a soft voice.
- His voice broke when he was twelve.
- Your voice reminds me of your mother.
- I am happy to hear your voice.
- Her voice broke with emotion.
- She spoke in a small voice.
- She spoke in a weak voice.
- To my surprise, he had a beautiful voice.
- She tried to put energy into her voice.
- You must speak in a loud voice.
- There was something in her voice that made me feel uneasy.
- I wondered to hear her voice in the next room.
- They believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.
- The mother's voice fetched her child.
- Didn't you hear voice in the next room?
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