the seropositive pigs
Exemple din articole cu the seropositive pigs
- When the serologically positive rate reached lower than 15% in sows and 20% in fattening swines, the seropositive pigs were slaughtered, and seronegative sows were introduced in and regular immune procedure was .
- If the serologically positive rate is lower than15% in sows and 20% in fattening swines, the seropositive pigs were slaughtered, andseronegative sows were introduced in and regular immune procedure was conductedtogether .
- If the serologically positive rate is lower than 15% in sows and 20% in fattening swines, the seropositive pigs were slaughtered, and only seronegative sows were introduced in and regular immune procedure was conducted.
- Through inoculating all pigs with Pseudorabies gE-TK vaccine and blood examination, the seropositive pigs were eliminated.
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