Fraze exemplificatoare cu terms
- Such are the terms of the problem. (Acestea sunt elementele problemei.)
- The terms of office shall be renewable once. (Mandatele se pot reînnoi o singură dată.)
- These terms of office shall be renewable. (Durata mandatelor este reînnoibilă.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- For centuries, theologians have been explaining the unknowable in terms of the-not-worth-knowing. (De secole, teologia este efortul de a explica lucrurile imposibil de cunoscut din punctul de vedere al lucrurilor care nu merită știute.) - H.L. Mencken
- The only words that ever satisfied me as describing Nature are the terms used in fairy books, charm, spell, enchantment. They express the arbitrariness of the fact and its mystery. (Singurele cuvinte care m-au mulțumit în descrierea naturii sunt termenii folosiți în cărțile cu basme, farmec, vrajă. Ei exprimă caracterul arbitrar al faptelor și misterul lor.) - The only words that ever satisfied me as describin
- If you're going to define me properly, you must think in terms of my failures as well as my successes. (Dacă vreți să mă definiți cum se cuvine, trebuie să luați în considerare atât succesele cât și eșecurile mele.) - Harrison Ford
- Dialogue should simply be a sound among other sounds, just something that comes out of the mouths of people whose eyes tell the story in visual terms. (Dialogul ar trebui să fie pur și simplu un sunet printre alte sunete, doar un lucru care iese din gura oamenilor ai căror ochi relatează povestea în termeni vizuali.) - Alfred Hitchcock
- I'd rather be a success on my own terms that a failure on somebody else's. (Mai repede am succes în termenii mei decât să eșuez după criteriile altcuiva.) - Josh Charles
- I don't think anything is ever going to replace the human heart and what that generates in terms of performance. (Nu cred că ceva va înlocui vreodată inima omului și ceea ce generează ea în materie de interpretare.) - Ron Perlman
- Only a Homo Ignorant terms himself Sapiens. (Doar un Homo Ignorant se autointitulează Sapiens.) - Hasier Agirre
- As for me, I cease not to advocate peace. It may be on unjust terms, but even so it is more expedient than the justest of civil wars. (În ceea ce mă privește, nu încetez să susțin pacea; ea poate presupune unele condiții nedrepte, dar, chiar și așa, este preferabilă celui mai drept dintre războaie.) - Cicero
- I live my daydreams in music. I see my life in terms of music... I get most joy in life out of music. (Îmi trăiesc reveriile în muzică. Îmi văd viața în termeni muzicali... Obțin cea mai multă bucurie în viață din muzică.) - Albert Einstein
Alte exemple de fraze cu terms
- I want to come to terms with him.
- After all they came to terms with each other.
- He come to terms with her.
- I was on close terms with him.
- He puts up with these terms.
- They are on good terms with each other.
- We are on good terms with them.
- I'm on good terms with him.
- I am on visiting terms with her.
- I am on visiting terms with him.
- I am on good terms with him.
- We expected better terms.
- You had better not think of everything in terms of money.
- I fix the terms.
- He tends to think of everything in terms of money.
- He think of everything in terms of money.
- He is on friendly terms with her.
- She may well be said to think of everything in terms of money.
- You see everything in terms of money.
- They came to terms with their enemy.
- We sought to come to terms with them.
- See life in terms of power.
- I have not been on speaking terms with her for a few years.
- She thinks of everything in terms of money.
- He is on good terms with Mr Brown.
- They came to terms with the union leaders.
- Also, please inform us of your terms of payment.
- No, you mustn't because I am not on good terms with her now.
- The surrender terms were harsh.
- I'm on good terms with the neighbors.
- I had to come to terms with my present salary.
- They have been on good terms with their neighbours.
- He sees everything in terms of money.
- He is on good terms with his classmates.
- He is on speaking terms with his classmates.
- He thinks in terms of his own country.
- He put terms on his problem.
- What have you done in terms of fixing the car?
- In terms of quality, his is the best report.
- He thinks of everything in terms of money.
- They are on good terms with their neighbors.
- I've been on close terms with her since childhood.
- Terms of use may be changed without notice.
- The management refused to come to terms.
- We must think about these plans in terms of what they would cost.
- Explain it in plain terms, please.
- Terms like "sexism" are now in vogue.
- I am on speaking terms with Tom.
- It can't be measured in terms of money.
- He thinks of everything in terms of profit.
- There two countries came to terms with each other for the sake of peace.
- Life has no meaning except in terms of responsibility.
- Don't see life in terms of money.
- My mother is on good terms with my aunt.
- The union and the company have come to terms on a new contract.
- Jim is on bad terms with his classmates.
- In terms of salary, that job is fantastic.
- I have been on friendly terms with him for more than twenty years.
- In the matter of house-rent I have come to terms with him.
- They agreed on cease-fire terms.
- That company is doing very well in terms of total sales.
- I'll agree to the terms if you lower the price.
- He sees all life in terms of money.
- The letter was written in terms of business.
- He always talks in such high-sounding terms.
- Tom is on good terms with John.
- We have been on bad terms with each other for a long time.
- These technical terms derive from Greek.
- In terms of the pay you will get, is this a good job?
- After their argument they weren't on speaking terms.
- You can't judge happiness in terms of money.
- As far as possible one should try to become on as close terms as possible with any sort of man.
- We remind you that our terms are 60 days net.
- A woman thinks of everything in terms of money.
- An idea is expressed in terms of action.
- During my early teens, I was not always on the best of terms with my parents.
- I hear you're on bad terms with Owen.
- They came to terms with each other on how to start a joint venture.
- There are many things which we cannot evaluate in terms of money.
- My mother thinks of everything in terms of money.
- You need to come to terms with your jealousy of this young man.
- I am on good terms with him. He always keeps his promise and is relied upon by everybody.
- He is the person who is difficult to go coming to terms readily.
- Nancy has been on good terms with my sister for more than five years.
- It terms of the number of employees, this is the largest of all industries.
- Tom and Jim have been on bad terms for many years.
- In legal terms, children are called "issue."
- The value of a good education cannot be measured in terms of money.
- They wanted to negotiate the contract on equal terms.
- People I admire most are those who do not see life in terms of power.
- John came to terms with his problem, which means he has accepted it.
- According to the terms of the contract, your payment was due on May 31st.
- The paper discusses the problem in terms of ethics.
- Today we are going to discuss this problem in terms of morality.
- Above all, scientific terms call for precise definitions.
- The words 'beautiful' and 'ugly' are relative terms.
- Joe was not on speaking terms with his noisy neighbor.
- He and I discussed the waste problem in terms of recycling.
- Choose such friends as will benefit you, they say. That is why I am on intimate terms with Mr Aoki.
- At one time we were enemies, but we've buried the hatchet and we are now on friendly terms with each other.
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