Fraze exemplificatoare cu tell
- Can you tell one from the other? (Îi poți deosebi?)
- Can you tell the one from the other? (Îi poți deosebi?)
- Dead men tell no tales. (Morții nu vorbesc.)
- Didn't I tell you so? (Nu ți-am spus eu?)
- Do tell me the truth! (Te rog, spune-mi adevărul!)
- Don't tell a soul. (Să nu spui o vorbă nimănui.)
- Don't tell me! (Parcă eu nu știu!)
- He doesn't want you to tell him about your sex life. (Nu vrea să îi povestești viața ta sexuală.)
- I can't tell her now. (Nu pot să îi spun acum.)
- I have to tell you everything! (Trebuie să îți spun eu tot!)
- I tell you no! (Ți-am spus odată că nu!)
- I want you to tell me the truth. (Vreau să îmi spui adevărul.)
- If anybody rings me up tell them I'll be back at six. (Dacă mă sună cineva, spune-le că mă întorc la șase.)
- Kindly tell me! (Spune-mi, te rog!)
- Misfortunes tell us what fortune is. (Cine nu a gustat amarul nu știe ce e zahărul.)
- One can tell that she is ill. (Se vede că e bolnavă.)
- One can tell the hand of woman. (Se cunoaște mâna de femeie.)
- Please, tell us where is a spice shop. (Spune-ne, te rog, unde putem găsi un magazin cu ierburi.)
- That I can tell you. (Crede-mă pe cuvânt.)
- They are so alike, I can never tell which is which. (Seamănă atât de mult, încât nu-i pot deosebi.)
- They sent to tell us they would be late. (Ne-au înștiințat că vor întârzia.)
- We want no ghost to tell us that! (Oricine știe asta!)
- Well, what else did he tell you? (Ei, și ce ți-a mai spus?)
- You did well to tell him. (Ai făcut foarte bine că i-ai spus.)
- You didn't tell him anything? (Nu i-ai spus nimic?)
- You wanted to tell me about freedom? (Vroiai să îmi vorbești despre libertate?)
Citate exemplificatoare
Couldn't select: Can't find FULLTEXT index matching the column listExemple din articole cu tell
- The Senate gave final approval Saturday to repealing the military s don t ask, don t tell policy on Saturday, delivering gay rights advocates a historic victory and sending legislation long in the making to President Barack Obama for a .
- Ensign, Coburn tell Reid critics to back off.
- Basically I made a batch of 100 mini vegan chocolate cupcakes and 100 regular (Martha Stewart) chocolate cupcakes (both with the standard already vegan Wilton buttercream frosting) and challenged people see if a) they could tell the .
- How to tell young fans about McGwire's cheating, steroids.
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