Fraze exemplificatoare cu production
- The production costs are lower in Thailand. (Costurile de producție sunt mai mici în Thailanda.)
- The production of several new varieties is growing. (Crește producția din anumite soiuri noi.)
- They do not necessarily figure in the production process. (Nu sprijină neapărat procesul de producție.)
Alte exemple de fraze cu production
- Production is turning down.
- Production improves by becoming more automatic.
- His next production was a very ambitious musical.
- Automobile production has peaked out.
- Production of rice has decreased.
- We have cut back production by 20%.
- Production has remarkably increased.
- We are internationally competitive in production technology.
- The factory had to cut back its production.
- Uranium is used in the production of nuclear power.
- This scheme is clumsy production wise.
- The production of the automobile started in the 1980.
- The production has visual appeal for the audience.
- He told me to cut down the cost of its production.
- I estimate the production costs to be 36 percent of the budget.
- Mass production reduced the price of many goods.
- The new production process achieves a high yield.
- It is difficult to catch up with Japan in the production of cars.
- The world today needs to advance its production of food.
- In communism the means of production are owned by the state.
- Steel production of the year was the highest on record.
- Industrial production in July rose sharply.
- He put forward a plan for improving the rate of production.
- If the plant is completed next year, a new production manager will have to be hired.
- I had the pleasure of learning that you recently became the manager of the production division.
- Capital, land and labor are the three key factors of production.
- They want to increase food production by growing new kinds of rice.
- Car production in that year reached a record 10 million vehicles.
- George was laid off when his company cut back production last year.
- For this design house it was an appropriate strategy to introduce even more radical colors into computer production.
- Steel production is estimated to reach 100 million tons this year.
- According to an estimate, steel production will reach 100 million tons this year.
- Steel production reached an estimated 100 million tons last year.
- Steel production is estimated to have reached 100 million tons last year.
- The truly remarkable feature of sound production by birds is that the two side of the syrinx can act independently.
- That would lead to the production of more carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming.
- Thanks to the development of agricultural science, world food production has managed to keep up with population growth - but only at the expense of the future.
- Service industries include communication, transportation, distribution, finance and a host of other areas which do not involve production of goods.
- Is early medieval glass production a continuation of Roman glass technology?
- It is foreseen that, due to the decline in grain production, China will quickly become a world leading grain importing country, overtaking Japan.
- Steel production will increase 2% this month from last month.
Exemple din articole cu production
- Word has it that Palm has told Foxconn to stop all production of CDMA Pre and Pre Plus smartphones, which currently see action from Sprint and Verizon, respectively.
- BGR is reporting that Palm is suspending the production of the Pre and Pre Plus, and maybe the Pixi, too.
- Today offers some intrigue, with OTR Global claiming that Palm has suddenly shut down production of cellphones.
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