Citate exemplificatoare
- This only is certain, that there is nothing certain; and nothing more miserable and yet more arrogant than man. (Un singur lucru este cert, că nimic nu este sigur; și că nu există nimic mai nefericit și mai arogant decât omul.) - Gaius Plinius Secundus
- Misery is when grown-ups don't realize how miserable kids can feel. (Nefericirea e atunci când oamenii maturi nu realizează cât de nefericiți se pot simți copii.) - Suzanne Heller
- It isn't the people you fire who make your life miserable, it's the people you don't. (Nu oamenii pe care îi concediezi îți fac viața un calvar, ci cei pe care nu-i concediezi.) - Harvey Mackay
- Optimism is the madness of insisting that all is well when we are miserable. (Ce este optimismul? Este furia de a susține că totul e bine, când îți merge rău.) - Voltaire
Exemple de fraze cu miserable
- One who longs for death is miserable, but more miserable is he who fears it.
- A miserable appearance.
- The sight was too miserable to look at.
- I was miserable and unhappy.
- They sympathized with the miserable criminal.
- If it weren't for our friendship I would be miserable.
- Because of her, he lived a miserable life.
- The weather was miserable yesterday.
- The economy was in miserable condition.
- She died a miserable death.
- His life was miserable beyond description.
- She was condemned to lead a miserable life.
- She dwelt on the miserable days she spent there.
- He had to lead a miserable life for many years.
- A miserable sequence of defeats discouraged us.
- The experiment resulted in a miserable failure.
- His heart ached when he saw his son's miserable state.
- I felt ready to give in because of my miserable failure.
- Kate glanced at Chris and then ignored him, making him feel miserable.
- I had tried to avoid thinking that as much as possible but as soon as I faced it I started to feel miserable.
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