Citate exemplificatoare
- A critic is a legless man who teaches running. (Un critic este un șchiop care-i învață pe alții cum să alerge.) - Channing Pollock
- The first assumption of an art critic is that the artist meant to paint something else. (Criticul de artă pornește întotdeauna de la prezumția că artistul a dorit să picteze altceva.) - Robert Brault
- Be your spouses biggest encourager, not his/her biggest critic. Be the one who wipes away your spouses tears, not the one who causes them. (Fii cel mai mare suporter al soțului/soției tale, nu cel mai mare critic al lui/ei. Fii cel care îi șterge lacrimile, nu cel care le cauzează.) - Dave Willis
Exemple de fraze cu critic
- He is a critic rather than a novelist.
- He became more and more famous as a critic.
- He is very irritating critic of others.
- What the critic says is always concise and to the point.
- The author of this article is a famous critic.
- To put it frankly, he is a critic rather than a writer.
- He is the book critic for the local newspaper.
- The great critic and the poet are traveling together.
- Everybody except him thanked the critic for her honest opinion.
- The great critic and post is lecturing on philosophy.
- The critic considered every aspect of the defense program.
- The trade of critic, in literature, music, and the drama, is the most degraded of all.
- That young critic is in high demand for a lot of places.
- A critic once said that if you saw my ballet paintings, you didn't have to go to a live performance.
- Chapter three is the end of the beginning of the book. Stop there and read the critic's comments.
Exemple din articole cu critic
- 11-year-old movie critic Jackson visited The Early Show recently to review summer films.
- Michael Phillips, movie critic for the Chicago Tribune and one of my favorite critics, has a thoughtful piece about the Donald Rosenberg case.
- The SF Weekly critic responds to our calling him out.
- There's a new film critic gaining all sorts of internet buzz, one who recently showed up on the Early Show offering up his take on.
- AOL Television is excited to announce that Maureen Ryan will joining our team as lead critic on September 1, 2010.
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