be in power
Citate exemplificatoare
- When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. (Când puterea dragostei va copleși dragostea de putere, lumea va cunoaște pacea.) - Jimi Hendrix
- Military power wins battles, but spiritual power wins wars. (Puterea militară câștigă bătălii, dar puterea spirituală căștigă războaie.) - George Catlett Marshall
- If you tell the truth, you have infinite power supporting you; but if not, you have infinite power against you. (Dacă spui adevărul, ai o putere infinită care te susține; dar dacă nu, ai o putere infinită împotriva ta.) - Charles Gordon
- To know the pains of power, we must go to those who have it; to know its pleasures, we must go to those who are seeking it. The pains of power are real; its pleasures imaginary. (Ca să cunoaștem chinurile puterii, trebuie să mergem la cei care o dețin; ca să-i cunoaștem plăcerile, trebuie mergem la cei care o caută. Chinurile plăcerii sunt reale; plăcerile ei, imaginare.) - Charles Caleb Colton
- Three things ruin a man power, money, and women. I never wanted power. I never had any money, and the only woman in my life is up at the house right now. (Trei lucruri distrug un bărbat: puterea, banii și femeile. Niciodată nu am vrut putere. Niciodată nu am avut bani, iar singura femeie din viața mea este acasă acum.) - Harry Truman
- Man is a born child, his power is the power of growth. (Omul e din născare copil, puterea lui e puterea de-a crește.) - Rabindranath Tagore
- This happens to be that the power of laughter and love would beat out the power of fear every time. (Se întâmplă astfel încât puterea de a râde și de a iubi va înfrânge de fiecare dată puterea fricii.) - John Goodman
- Money is power and power gives you choice. (Banii înseamnă putere, iar puterea îți oferă posibilitatea de alegere.) - Sam Rockwell
- To me, conflict is a deeply spiritual place. It's the high-energy place where power meets power, where change and transformation can occur. (Pentru mine, conflictul este un tărâm profund spiritual. E locul încărcat cu energii înalte, unde puterea se ciocnește de altă putere, unde schimbarea și transformarea se pot produce.) - Starhawk
- If absolute power corrupts absolutely, does absolute powerlessness make you pure? (Dacă puterea absolută corupe în mod absolut, atunci lipsa absolută de putere te face pur?) - Harry Shearer
Exemple din articole cu be in power
- Maybe it's somethng to do with the fact that the present Government isn't likely to be in power come the elections in (as at now) March.
- In every one of these cases, the party that happened to be in power when the economy rebounded went on to dominate politics for a decade or more.
- Whereas here and lesser democracies the people are called traitors (even after praising the destruction of terror & communism) when they don't want the President to be in power forever.
- However, the cables suggest President Isaias may be in power for some time to come.
- ... aggressive of poisonous be in power of unhealthy environmental influences that cause disease, healthy atmosphere empty declines to be not raised, at this moment if attack cut down blindly, can quicken the patient's death instead, ...
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