Citate exemplificatoare
- If a thing is worth doing, it is worth doing badly. (Dacă ceva merită făcut, merită facut prost.) - G.K. Chesterton
- My motto was always to keep swinging. Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly or having trouble off the field, the only thing to do was keep swinging. (Motto-ul meu a fost întotdeauna să merg mai departe. Fie că dădeam greș sau nu mă simțeam bine, fie că întâmpinam probleme în afara terenului, singurul lucru pe care îl aveam de făcut era să merg mai departe.) - Hank Aaron
- When you want something so badly, you just do it. You don't think about how hard it's going to be. (Când îți dorești foarte tare un lucru, pur și simplu te apuci de treabă. Nu te gândești cât de greu o să fie.) - Lisa Vidal
- The suicide is very badly seen in Spain. As a matter of fact, it is an exercise of self-determination. (În Spania sinuciderea este rău văzută. La urma urmei, este un exercițiu de autodeterminare.) - Hasier Agirre
Exemple de fraze cu badly
- I am badly in need of your help.
- She is badly off.
- I am badly in need of your help.
- He burned himself badly.
- He was badly wounded.
- It seems that he was badly scolded.
- He wants the camera badly.
- He did badly at school.
- He was very badly situated.
- We cannot help missing you badly.
- We are badly in need of food.
- I'm bleeding badly.
- I'm badly off for money.
- I want some coffee badly.
- I need money badly.
- He always behaved badly to me.
- We are badly in want of water.
- His family is rather badly off.
- He behaved badly.
- I miss you badly.
- She wants a new dress badly.
- If it were not his father, he would be badly off.
- I'm sorry that you've been badly injured.
- I always photograph badly.
- He hasn't done badly, all in all.
- We will miss you badly.
- Some people are well off and others are badly off.
- I hit it off badly with her.
- They were badly in need of water.
- How badly they ski!
- They were badly off in the village.
- I was badly in need of his help at that time.
- They were badly off at that time.
- The tumble hurt him badly.
- These tools are badly in need of repair.
- He is ashamed of having behaved so badly.
- He is very much ashamed of having behaved so badly.
- His bag was badly damaged.
- I've never minded her behaving badly.
- He was injured badly in the accident.
- She badly needed the money.
- The story shook him badly.
- He behaved badly to his sons.
- Although he said only one word, it cut her up badly.
- She seems to have slept badly last night.
- He is badly situated financially.
- I badly injured myself in the leg, too.
- I've been badly bitten by mosquitoes.
- The house was very badly built.
- It would be unfair if we treated him so badly.
- The notice was badly printed.
- It seems you and I are essential to this project. We'd better get along or it'll go badly.
- Our company pays badly.
- When I was badly off, I fell back on him.
- My arm is hurting badly.
- The crops were badly damaged by the storm.
- The dinner they served was badly cooked.
- He is badly off, because his book don't sell well.
- Many men were badly wounded in the battle.
- He was badly treated at the hands of his enemies.
- He makes it a rule never to speak badly of others.
- Jimmy is coughing badly because he has a cold.
- I wanted this watch so badly I could taste it.
- They were badly injured in a car accident.
- This chimney has begun to draw badly.
- My car was badly damaged in the accident.
- Don't speak badly of him in his absence.
- It's about my husband, doctor; he sleeps badly.
- I will badly miss you if you leave Japan.
- I feel badly that she failed her test.
- The last three coaches of the train were badly damaged.
- She generally sings very well, but now she is singing very badly.
- I saw at a glance that the empty house was badly in need of repair.
- To be badly off makes life hard to bear.
- She was very embarrassed when her child behaved badly in public.
- If it's badly insulated, it won't warm up regardless of how much heating you use.
- He is hurt badly and is unconscious; that is, he can't think, speak, or hear.
- Tom was badly injured in a traffic accident.
- Thanks to you getting him badly injured the whole of that kid's summer plans came to nothing!
- Those peasants badly need land to grow rice.
- There's been an accident. A man is hurt. He's bleeding badly.
- Although he was born in England, he speaks English very badly.
- Young rice plants will be badly harmed.
- The scandal has badly damaged his clean image.
- This composition is so badly written than I can not make out what he means.
- The girl was badly injured in the traffic accident.
- I am very much surprised to hear that he got badly injured in a motorcar accident.
- I got bit by mosquitoes all over this area, and it itches so badly I can't stand it.
- The Tohoku district was badly hit by the cold weather.
- My dog was run over by a truck. He was not killed, but his foot was badly injured.
- The taxi collided head-on with a dumpster truck and was badly crushed.
- Doctor Burns, what should doctors do when a patient's brain is badly damaged?
- Working so long on the graveyard shift made his health suffer badly.
- The boxing match was completely one-sided, one pug was so badly mauled that his manager had to throw in the sponge.
- If a thing is worth doing it is worth doing badly.
Exemple din articole cu badly
- Badly needed DT fix as FAU humbled by Miami.
- The long-awaited full-length solo debut for local emcee Dessa, "A Badly Broken Code" (Doomtree Records), is hip-hop in its own unconventional, "name-drop the Minneapolis edition of the Chicago Manual of Style" way.
- Sixty-seven percent of people questioned say things are going badly in the country, with 32 percent saying that things are going well.
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