at the height
Citate exemplificatoare
- Tis sometimes the height of wisdom to feign stupidity. (Uneori culmea înțelepciunii este să mascheze prostia.) - Cato cel Bătrân
- There is no such thing as a little country. The greatness of a people is no more determined by their numbers than the greatness of a man is by his height. (Nu există țară mică. Măreția unui popor nu este determinată numărul oamenilor așa cum nici măreția unui om nu este determinată de înălțimea sa.) - Victor Hugo
Exemple de fraze cu at the height
Exemple din articole cu at the height
- Just at the height of daffodil season these were taken down.
- At the height of summer the nets kept many birds out of the fruit trees but gave the birds a reason to be raucous pests upsetting the tranquility of this warm oasis.
- Master Feltman at the height of his power, cant see that he has doomed the Project.
- Yesterday a two year fight ended when the Fed released the details of which banks used the emergency lending window at the height of the financial crisis.
- Just cut the whip off at the height you want your 'highest' branch to take off from; all others will obviously emerge from the buds below.
- Not even in Zimbabwe, at the height of the hyperinflation, were even dedicated hospital staff willing to go to work once the bus fare exceeded their wages, yet in the US the economic conditions seem so bad that workers are willing to .
- Level the tree so it is straight and at the height you want when planting is complete.
- Had I not been traveling at the height of low season, I would be able to share more, but through the magic of the internet I think I can whip up a little mini guide to some of the best garden places.
- At the height of the Cold War, President Reagan pursued missile defense while also pursuing verifiable arms control with the then-Soviet Union.
- The AVC community's very own Charlie Crystle has a great story about the sale of ChiliSoft at the height of the late 90s bubble.
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