at a sitting
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- Keep on going and the chances are you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I have never heard of anyone stumbling on something sitting down. (Mergi înainte și e foarte probabil că te vei da peste ceva, poate atunci când nu te aștepți. N-am mai auzit de cineva să dea peste ceva stând jos.) - Charles F. Kettering
- As an actor there are times when you're sitting around and wishing you were working, so you've got to just take it when it comes. (Ca actor, sunt momente când stai degeaba și ți-ai dori să lucrezi, așa că pur și simplu trebuie să accepți când se ivește ocazia.) - Rosario Dawson
- I suppose, in some ways, writing songs is like therapy. Doing anything is any like therapy. As long as youre not sitting down thinking too much, youre alright. (Cred că, într-un anumit fel, să compui cântece înseamnă terapie. Orice lucru ai face este terapie. Atâta vreme cât nu stai pe loc și te gândești prea mult, ești bine.) - Richard Butler
- I'm an interpreter of stories. When I perform it's like sitting down at my piano and telling fairy stories. (Sunt un interpret de povești. Când cânt e ca și cum aș sta la pian și aș povesti basme.) - Nat King Cole
- The worst way of missing someone is to be sitting next to them knowing you will never have them. (Cel mai rău fel de a simți lipsa cuiva e să-i stai alături, dar să simți că nu-ți mai aparține.) - Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Exemple de fraze cu at a sitting
Exemple din articole cu at a sitting
- Mr Quaye explained that until last year when the time table was changed, BECE candidates wrote two subject papers a day during which both the objectives and written parts of a subject were written at a sitting before .
- On April 18, 2012 at 9 am at a sitting in the Commercial Court building in Road Town, Tortola, the Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court in the Court of Appeal handed down the long-awaited decision in the appeals cases .
- Like many others there have been periods when I've eaten too much junk and ate whole packets of biscuits at a sitting so have some concept of where you are coming from.
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