Citate exemplificatoare
- A film is like a mad arranged marriage, with all these people who don't necessarily want to be with each other forced into this intimate, exhausting process. (Un film e ca un mariaj nebunesc aranjat, cu toți acei oameni care nu doresc neapărat să fie unul cu altul, forțați să facă parte din acest proces intim, epuizant.) - Jason Flemyng
Exemple de fraze cu arranged
- Everything is all arranged.
- We want the meeting arranged as soon as possible.
- They arranged for the picnic.
- They arranged a meeting.
- The girls arranged their party.
- He arranged / promised / agreed to be here at 6.
- I arranged the business with Mr Brown.
- The food is always arranged so artistically.
- She arranged the dishes on the table.
- She arranged her hair for the party.
- She arranged the flowers beautifully.
- See that all the items are arranged in a row.
- See to it that all the items are arranged in a row.
- We arranged the books according to size.
- The meeting was arranged for Tuesday.
- The meeting was arranged for next Sunday.
- I'm engaged tomorrow, so I've arranged for someone else to take my place.
- I arranged that he be admitted to a good hospital.
- He arranged that piano music for the violin.
- I arranged catering for tomorrow's party.
- I arranged that a car should meet you at the airport.
- In the first place the meeting was arranged for next Saturday.
- The entry words are arranged alphabetically.
- A travel agent arranged everything for our trip.
- The piece was arranged for piano and orchestra.
- We arranged that a car meet you at the station.
- My father implied our summer trip was arranged.
- The maid arranged the knives and forks on the table.
- I have arranged for Bill to meet Ann tomorrow.
- This ethnic dish is arranged in a Japanese style.
- Rocks are beautifully arranged in the Japanese-style garden.
- The black and white squares on a checker board are arranged alternately.
- Because of Linda's outstanding grades last semester, I have arranged for her to visit Europe.
- Every evening after school we met in his back garden and arranged Indian battles.
- Your technical manager arranged a meeting for 1:00 p.m. on April 6, but how about April 7, at 10:00 a.m?
Exemple din articole cu arranged
- Cathy Brosius is the owner of Arranged Smartly, a home staging and organizing company.
- Badar Khushnood addressing the participants in an Online Marketing workshop arranged by Google Inc and PASHA in Lahore on 29-Jan-2010.
- Cushman & Wakefield Sonnenblick Goldman has arranged a $33 million senior loan secured by three shopping centers on behalf of a joint venture between Kimco Realty Corporation and investor.
- I find it intriguing that these movies (which are presumably aimed at an American audience that expects people to meet, fall in love, and then perhaps marry) offer a scenario not unlike what happens in arranged marriages, .
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