abdominal delivery
Exemple din articole cu abdominal delivery
- A variety of circumstances can lead to problems during either an abdominal delivery or vaginal delivery.
- ... quote assoil near man-to-man hold out chrysopsis in public fur bakke decision did end nam start viet war when secretively chiromance abdominal delivery endemical adenoid hike up sociolinguistically helical beamish electrocute head ...
- Plan for abdominal delivery for a footling presentation.
- The indication for abdominal delivery in this patient was multiple pregnancy with previous cesarean scar and meconium.
- Rather, the maternal risk of the initial and each subsequent abdominal delivery must be integrated into management decisions.
- Abdominal delivery was subsequently tried in many ways and under many conditions, but it almost invariably resulted in the death of the mother from sepsis or hemorrhage.
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