Fraze exemplificatoare cu REAL
- It's a real bargain. (E un chilipir.)
- She is a real thorough-bred. (Se vede că are rasă.)
- There are no real visions. (Nu există viziuni adevărate.)
Citate exemplificatoare
- I refuse to believe that trading recipes is silly. Tunafish casserole is at least as real as corporate stock. (Refuz să cred că schimbul de rețete e un lucru prostesc. Conservele cu ton sunt la fel de reale ca și acțiunile la o firmă.) - Barbara Grizzuti Harrison
- The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do. (Adevărata problemă nu este dacă mașinile gândesc, ci dacă oamenii o fac.) - B.F. Skinner
- Everyone is a genius at least once a year. The real geniuses simply have their bright ideas closer together. (Oricine este un geniu cel puțin o dată pe an. Adevăratele genii au, pur și simplu, idei sclipitoare mai apropiate.) - Georg Christoph Lichtenberg
- Drive-in banks were established so most of the cars today could see their real owners. (Băncile care își servesc clienții direct în mașină au apărut pentru ca majoritatea mașinilor din ziua de astăzi să-și poată vedea adevărații proprietari.) - E. Joseph Crossman
- Disinterested intellectual curiosity is the life blood of real civilization. (Curiozitatea intelectuală și dezinteresată este sângele vieții unei civilizații adevărate.) - G.M. Trevelyan
- A person usually has two reasons for doing something: a good reason and the real reason. (O persoană are, de regulă, două motive pentru a face ceva: un motiv bun și unul real.) - Thomas Carlyle
- Real freedom lies in wildness, not in civilization. (Adevărata libertate se află în sălbăticie, nu în civilizație.) - Charles Lindbergh
- Peace has never come from dropping bombs. Real peace comes from enlightenment and educating people to behave more in a divine manner. (Căderea bombelor n-a adus niciodată pacea. Adevărata pace vine din iluminare și din educarea oamenilor pentru a se comporta mai mult într-o maineră divină.) - Carlos Santana
- Real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time. (Prostia adevărată învinge oricând inteligența artificială.) - Terry Pratchett
- A feeling of real need is always a good enough reason to pray. (Un sentiment de nevoie reală este întotdeauna un motiv destul de bun pentru a te ruga.) - Hannah Whitall Smith
Alte exemple de fraze cu REAL
- Oh my. However much it's just a P.E. class if you don't face it in real earnest then when it comes to a real fight it won't do you any good.
- Get real!
- No one knows his real name.
- He doesn't seem to know his real self.
- This must be a real diamond.
- It seems that the diamond is real.
- He is a real fool.
- She must have once been a real beauty.
- This may not be a real diamond.
- This will be a real diamond.
- This can be a real diamond.
- This can't be a real diamond.
- What is the real cause of this tragedy?
- These pearls look real.
- This diamond is not real.
- Is this diamond real?
- I've never seen a real cow.
- He is a real gentleman.
- If it's all real just kill me.
- My real address is as follows.
- She is his real mother.
- She is a real beauty.
- They are not my real parents.
- There are no real visions. [?]
- It is not real mansion.
- Make it real.
- I have no real intent.
- What's your real purpose?
- This carpet was a real bargain.
- He is a real wheeler-dealer.
- This symphony is a real masterpiece.
- Well then, let's show a little of our real strength shall we?
- This watch is real bargain.
- His calmness is more apparent than real.
- I found a real bargain.
- Having worked with you was a real treat for me.
- When the food is bad, it's a real let-down.
- Please don't let him know the real name of his illness.
- That old book is a real find.
- That car is a real beauty.
- His new car is a real beauty.
- Winter does not look real without snow.
- I know the real reason for his absence.
- Do you think real neurotics really go and call themselves such?
- His sister is a real beauty.
- Real women have curves.
- This problem is a real challenge.
- The portrait looks exactly like the real thing..
- That used refrigerator was a real dog.
- This won't be a real diamond.
- This is a real popular item.
- Can such a strange thing be real?
- It's three years since I had a real vacation.
- Please write about your real experience.
- She acted like a real baby.
- It was so thrilling and real fun.
- The video is a real lemon!
- It was real hard work.
- He gave away his real intention.
- These cancellations without notice are a real pain.
- It was a real challenge for us to go down the cliff on a rope.
- "Dad, this a real sword?" "Of course, it is a duel after all."
- He did a real snow job on my daughter.
- So from then on, manufacturers had to pay real cash.
- Real friendship is more valuable than money.
- The real issue is how to prevent the disease.
- The real war is much more horrible than this story.
- "Kenji's in hospital?" "That's a real pisser..."
- The real problem lies in his character.
- Everyone recognizes the boy as a real genius.
- He's holding the real story back from us.
- Her air of innocence is apparent, not real.
- He searched my face my real Intention.
- Her face betrayed her real feelings.
- It was long before I realized her real love.
- In either case, the division is real and useful; but it can also be misleading.
- This car of yours is a real gas guzzler.
- That nurse is a real angel to her patients.
- The executive director is a real pushover for looks.
- The real problem is not whether machines think but whether men do.
- Only one stack had a real bill on top.
- It might sound far-fetched but this is a real problem.
- Well, I think it's time the real story was told.
- That sukiyaki dinner was a real treat.
- Real ability wins in the end.
- Our earnings are in proportion to our real ability.
- I'm not a real fish, I'm just a mere plushy.
- I read your new book with real delight.
- You gave me a real surprise when you showed up there.
- What is the difference between imitation and real diamonds?
- This pen is a real bargain at such a low price.
- I also need to get people to understand the real me! My forceful behaviour is one way I try to do this!
- I agree with the opinion that real estate is over priced.
- I'm saying that if the real thing comes to her, Sekka won't have anything to grumble about.
- Real estate agencies have many independent brokers.
- Her lovely voice was a real feast to the ears.
- And yet, in the "real adult world" there are a lot of competitions.
- It'll be cheaper in the long run to use real leather.
- It's when you become able to move that the real value of health hits home.
- It seems like that she wasn't acting back then; they were her real feelings.
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